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- About The Brand -

Our Mission


Our mission is to provide our customers with quality bath and body products, creating them in small batches using only the best ingredients for optimal skin health.


N.E.W. Skincare, formally known as Love Soaponified, was born out of a desire to adapt to a more natural lifestyle.  Having simplified my diet to include only fresh ingredients and opting for a more natural look to my hair, I began to think about the importance of healthy skin.  After all, what we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in our bodies.

After a rather unpleasant experience with commercial soaps, a seed was planted and I began my research on the process of homemade soaps.  I read several books, studied other soap makers on YouTube, and then took a class in cold process soap making.  It wasn't until after taking the class, that I felt confident enough to make my first bar of soap and I was hooked! As that seed continued to grow, additional products were added to the list.

After a year and a half and much encouragement from family and friends, in 2017, Love Soaponified was launched.  Six years later I still consider it to be a work in progress as I continue my research to ensure that I provide my customers with the best quality. I am excited about all that I have learned thus far and now want to share the results with you.  All products are researched and created by my hand, from combining ingredients to produce the finished product, to packaging and labeling, all with you in mind.

In addition to being the owner and sole proprietor of N.E.W. Skincare, I am a wife, a mother and a cancer survivor.  Reading is my first love, music is my passion, and creating a product that serves a purpose is my joy.  Since surviving my bout with cancer, I further understand the importance of living my best life. I strive to be honest, kind to others, to give to those in need and I no longer "sweat the small stuff"

Thank you for visiting N.E.W. Skincare, because beauty is skin deep.


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